Proctorio Instructor Guide


After an exam, Proctorio’s algorithms automatically look over student recordings. You set the behaviours you want flagged as unusual activities by the algorithms. You and/or your teaching assistants then review the recordings and flags to determine whether any activity constitutes actual misconduct. The encrypted recordings are retained for two years before they are deleted.

Cost 是的 Free (funded in response to COVID-19 until at least December 31, 2021)
带宽 部分的 High demand
帆布集成 是的 在帆布内工作
Privacy 是的 Proctorio是Fippa.compliant and data is stored securely in Canada
类似的UBC支持的工具 LockDown Browseris also centrally supported for locking down exams.

What can I use it for?

With Proctorio, you can help preserve exam integrity in Canvas courses in three main ways:

  • 在考试前要求每个学生的身份验证
  • Recording students’ exam video, audio, screen, and/or keyboard activity
  • 限制学生在考试期间可以在计算机上做些什么(例如,没有打印,复制,访问其他网站)

What to know about Proctorio

The UBC Vancouver Senate has passed a motion, effective immediately, for UBCV faculties to restrict the use of automated remote invigilation tools like Proctorio that use algorithmic analysis of data recorded during invigilation,除非认证机构明确要求远程踏板软件。你可以阅读限制远程踏板的动作的细节on the UBC Provost & Vice-President Academic website and请求支持考试技术和策略来自CTLT。

What do I need to use Proctorio?

A computer with the Edge or Chrome web browser

Proctorio must be used on adesktop or laptop computer(移动设备无法正常工作), with one of the following installed:

Proctorio可用于Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome操作系统。You canview the minimum technical requirementson Proctorio’s site.


Students must also have awebcammicrophone, but these are not required for instructors and teaching assistants to review their recordings. However, you may wish to have this equipment available to test the Proctorio experience yourself.






点击any bar below for instructions and tips for using Proctorio in Canvas.


Proctorio只能用于边缘或Chrome Web浏览器。我们建议使用Edge以获得最佳体验,但如果它已经熟悉,您可以使用Chrome。

  1. In Edge, go to theProctorio Edge附加页面
  2. 点击Get
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click添加扩展名。
  4. 如果提示,请做不是打开扩展的同步。
  1. In Chrome, go to theproctorio chrome扩展页面
  2. 点击添加到Chrome.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click添加扩展名
  4. 如果提示,请做不是打开扩展的同步。


  • 确保您使用的是最新版本的边或铬,如果您在安装Proctorio时无法进行问题。如果一个人不适合您,您也可以尝试其他浏览器。


  • Be clear and specific about your intent for using Proctorio。解释这些指向普通nts:
    • Proctorio用于确保每个人都能为远程考试经验公平。如果你诚实地与考试一起参与,你不需要担心录音,即使出乎意料的事情发生了。
    • Proctorio仅在您的Edge或Chrome浏览器中的考试时运行(当它处于活动状态时,您将在浏览器地址栏中看到屏蔽图标)。一旦您离开考试,就没有收集数据的单独程序,没有数据收集。You can also uninstall Proctorio when you are done.
    • Proctorio录音存储在加拿大in accordance with provincial privacy laws. The encrypted recordings are retained for two years before they are deleted. If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy of the data, contact Paul Hancock (UBC Legal Counsel, Information and Privacy)
    • 在录音期间没有人在观看你,只有我和/或您的教学助理将在后面审查录音。Proctorio工具的作用仅限于:a)为您在加拿大的视频提供临时数据存储,B)运行其自动化算法,以标记视频中的任何时刻以进行审查。
    • An automated flag on your recording does not mean I and/or your teaching assistants will assume you cheated or that you will receive a grade deduction. Human interpretation of the flags is essential; we make the final call.
  • Be explicit about what restrictions you set around what will and won’t be allowed在学生的计算机上。澄清洗手间休息的程序,使用划伤纸或您课程的任何其他需求。
  • Share your expectations with students about what usual behavioural activities you will anticipate and accept too,如坐立着,伸展,不要直接在考试中直接看一下。
  • 提供练习考试。Give students a no-stakes practice exam. This will allow everyone to get familiar with the Proctorio experience,before处于高风险状态。


  • 清楚地标记练习考试,所以学生知道他们不需要学习任何东西(例如,“练习您的Proctorio Setup”)。
  • 考虑完成练习的小动力考试。练习的学生越多,考试日的越少的人需要帮助。
  • 在练习考试中使用相同的Proctorio设置,您将在实际考试中使用, so students know exactly what to expect.
  • 鼓励学生在练习考试期间尝试很多行动, mimicking what they’ll want to do in a real exam and trying anything they know you will restrict (e.g., open a website), to experience what happens.
  • Create questions for the practice exam that highlight parts of using Proctorio加强重要观点(例如,“在Proctorio考试期间不允许以下哪一项?”)。


  1. 使用Edge或Chrome,登录您的Canvas课程,然后单击设置在课程导航中。
  2. 点击the导航选项卡
  3. Find the “Secure Exam Proctor” menu item, select the选项菜单(3个垂直点),并选择使能够
  4. your setting changes.
  5. 现在点击测验在课程导航中。
  6. 点击the +测验蓝色按钮, 选择经典测验选项,然后单击Submit
  7. In the Details tab, enter the name of your quiz. Under "Quiz Instructions", provide assessment information.
  8. Set the quiz option settings:
    • 测验类型: Graded
    • 时限: How long students will have to finish the exam from the point they start it. Please add 5 minutes for students to complete the Proctorio setup.
    • 可用性/直到:在其自动提交之前,考试的总体时间将对学生开放。请为学生添加30分钟,以完成设置并处理任何技术问题。
  9. 点击the使能够Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor checkbox, then click theproctorio设置选项卡
  10. Proctorio考试设置分为四类。如果您不确定设置的含义是什么,请将鼠标悬停在Proctorio中的选项中,然后单击问号。考试开始后,这些设置无法更改,所以请仔细选择适当的选项。
  11. The following settings arehighly recommended, particularly for midterm and final exams. Settings will become blue once you click to enable them.
    • 录制选项
      • 使能够: Video, Audio (optional), Screen, Web Traffic.
        • 音频录音可能是必须在具有不可避免的噪声中考试考试的学生的问题;您可能想要禁用此选项。
      • Not recommended: Room Scan: Scan at Start (option when you click Record Room)
      • 不要使用: Room Scan: Intelligent Scan (option when you click Record Room, may require students to redo room scans throughout the exam)
        • 为了保护学生隐私,我们建议抵御房间扫描。学生可以在不利于房间扫描的地方考试,例如公共区域,或他们不希望展示的私人空间。虽然此功能旨在防止学生在考试空间中显示笔记或辅助设备,但房间扫描将不一定阻止学生以未定例的方式隐藏的备注或其他设备。
    • 锁定选项
      • 使能够:只有一个屏幕,在测验链接中(选项单击禁用新选项卡),关闭打开选项卡,禁用打印,禁用剪贴板,块下载,清除缓存,禁用右键单击
      • Disable: Force Full Screen, Prevent Re-entry (these will require students to stay on the exam the whole time, which makes troubleshooting technical issues hard, and will lock students out of their exam for potentially benign behaviour, requiring you to resolve)
    • 验证选项
      • 使能够:视频,音频,桌面,ID,签名
        • Consider allowing students to turn off their video and audio for the remainder of the exam. Removing the video and/or audio monitoring after verification can reduce stress and eliminate the additional concerns for students taking exams in less-private settings.
    • Quiz工具
      • Disable: Calculator, Whiteboard
  12. Set your Proctorio Behavior Settings:
    • 帧指标: Indicate which student behaviours you want automatically flagged in the recordings. You can leave these levels set to Proctorio’s default recommended settings, choose from preset options, or set a custom level.
      • 考虑禁用头部和眼睛运动标记。这些指标对一般预期行为的措施,但由于学生通常展示的各种行为,可能不是一个好的基准。
    • 考试指标:衡量一个学生对课堂其他考试的其他一项学生的行为的异常。这些指标在更大级别的尺寸中为提供更好的样本池(50多名学生)工作;在较小的班级中,最好让他们禁用。
  13. You are now ready to add questions to your exam. This process is the same for proctored and non-proctored Canvas assessments. Follow
    thesteps for adding questions在保持教学网站上,如果您想要帮助。


  • Canvas总是将评估称为“测验”, whether you want to assign a quiz or exam to your students.
  • Make your exam more equitable for everyone by adding extra time to the exam's time limit and time availability。额外的时间可以为遇到技术困难的学生提供Wiggle空间。我们推荐5分钟的时间限制,总体可用时间有30分钟的时间。
  • 在此处使用推荐的Proctorio考试设置来最小化管理时间, as these settings help preserve exam integritywithout将学生锁定为意外点击次数,他们需要您的帮助来修复。
  • 请注意,在任何学生完成考试后,Proctorio考试设置无法更改, but the Behaviour Settings can be changed at any time.
  • 无法在新测验时启用Proctorio(特定类型的Canvas测验)。请使用经典测验。
  • See the instructor template in the appendix below for suggested instructional content与学生分享“测验指令”。


Proctorio在基于您的学生录音上运行其算法Behavior Settings,包括帧指标和考试指标。帧指标let you indicate which student behaviours you want automatically flagged in the recordings.考试指标(AKA异常)allow you to set which behaviours should also be compared against the class as a whole, with anomalies automatically flagged.


By default, Proctorio will configure your exam using their recommended Behavior Settings, but these settings can be adjusted at any time. They are quite sensitive, thus the middle (yellow) behaviour settings are typically enough to catch potentially problematic behaviours.


使用proctorio grounbook

After the exam, you can review outcomes in theProctorio Gradebook,可以在每个目标帆布评估中访问。如果应进一步审查任何考试以及每个标记考试的潜在问题,则会出现一个怀疑水平颜色指示器。

  1. 查看录音时,请确保您在私人地点以尊重学生隐私。
  2. 使用Edge或Chrome,登录您的Canvas课程,然后单击测验在课程导航中。
  3. 点击the测验you wish to view.
  4. On the right sidebar, clickView Proctorio Gradebook.
  5. The Suspicion Level column shows color indicators for each exam, with high Suspicion Level exams indicated with red.
    • 怀疑水平由您可以调整的行为设置确定,如果您认为Proctorio已标记过多或太少的考试。
  6. 点击the您要审查的考试。每个考试都包含您要求录制的所有内容,例如视频,音频,屏幕和学生标识验证。
  7. 当Proctorio标记可能可疑活动时,这些活动将以红色沿记录时间表以红色表示。扫描通过这些时刻来确定任何标记的活动是否构成了实际不当行为。


  • 如果超过20%的考试被归类为高疑似程度,您可能想发现一些录音并调整您的行为设置。这很多学生实际上不太可能作弊。
  • 通过跳转到旗帜来审查视频中的高疑似时刻在每个录制时间表中,而不是观看整个视频。
  • 选择一些low随机检查的怀疑水平录音to ensure the algorithms are flagging what you want them to.
  • Try not to stress about reviewing every minute录音。通过增加在线寻找和勾结的障碍来遥远的遥控器自然地阻止学术不诚实。





  • 在考试前要求每个学生的身份验证
  • Recording students’ exam video, audio, screen, and/or keyboard activity
  • 限制学生在考试期间可以在计算机上做些什么(例如,没有打印,复制,访问其他网站)

After an exam, Proctorio’s algorithms automatically look over student recordings. You set the behaviours you want flagged as unusual activities by the algorithms. You and/or your teaching assistants then review the recordings and flags to determine whether any activity constitutes actual misconduct.

To take a Proctorio exam, students must have the following:

Proctorio可用于Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome操作系统。学生可以view the detailed minimum technical requirementson Proctorio's site.

Be clear and specific about your intent使用Proctorio。解释这些指向普通nts:

  • Proctorio用于确保每个人都能为远程考试经验公平。如果你诚实地与考试一起参与,你不需要担心录音,即使出乎意料的事情发生了。
  • Proctorio仅在您的Edge或Chrome浏览器中的考试时运行(当它处于活动状态时,您将在浏览器地址栏中看到屏蔽图标)。一旦您离开考试,就没有收集数据的单独程序,没有数据收集。You can also uninstall Proctorio when you are done.
  • Proctorio录音存储在加拿大in accordance with provincial privacy law. The encrypted recordings are retained for two years before they are deleted. If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy of your data, you can contact Paul Hancock (UBC Legal Counsel, Information and Privacy)
  • 在录音期间没有人在观看你,只有我和/或您的教学助理将在后面审查录音。Proctorio工具的作用仅限于:a)为您在加拿大的视频提供临时数据存储,B)运行其自动化算法,以标记视频中的任何时刻以进行审查。
  • An automated flag on your recording does not mean I and/or your teaching assistants will assume you cheated or that you will receive a grade deduction. Human interpretation of the flags is essential; we make the final call.


  • Make sure students can meet the technical requirements. If they have financial barriers to accessing online classes and exams, encourage them to speak with an注册服务顾问。如果任何学生因残疾而无法满足要求,请将它们发送到无障碍中心
  • Encourage students to arrange a space to take the exam ahead of time in a private, quiet, well-lit location with access to a reliable Internet connection.
  • 向学生解释他们需要显示考试的清晰照片识别,以证明他们的身份。在考试日,如果它们与所选识别相匹配
  • 在考试期间明确地了解限制而不允许的限制。澄清洗手间休息的程序,使用划伤纸或您课程的任何其他需求。
  • Share your expectations with students about what usual behavioural activities you will anticipate and accept too, such as fidgeting, stretching, not looking directly at the exam the whole time, etc.
  • 为学生提供一个额外的半小时才能参加考试,让他们完成技术设置,在考试开始时完成房间扫描,并处理出现的任何技术问题。这可能意味着展开考试的窗口,当学生开始在画布中和/或时限后,您可以在开始实际考试后给出。

Proctorio考试不需要访问代码。如果提示学生,学生可以跟随access code troubleshooting instructions在UBC的Proctorio学生指南中。

Reviewing Proctorio exams

是的,所有Proctorio加密录制和数据都根据Microsoft Azure存储在加拿大,根据第26(C)Fippa.。在删除后,加密录音已保留两年。


当您或您的教学助理审查Proctorio Recordings时,请确保您处于全面的私人空间以进一步保护学生隐私。


是的,助教应该获得支持ctorio recordings, since this is based on their role in Canvas. If you have a teaching assistant who is unable to access Proctorio, please联系我们




If you have trouble with Canvas or Proctorio:


  • Contact Proctorio directly:
    1 866 948 9087或
  • Inside an active exam, students can access live chat by clicking the shield icon located in the browser address bar, then clicking Live Chat
  • Share UBC’sProctorio student guide


  • Although the recordings are scanned by Proctorio’s algorithms, the footage is only available to the appropriate users at UBC. No person at Proctorio can access the recordings or data, as they are stored using zero-knowledge encryption, meaning Proctorio does not have the key to decode the encryption.

Instructor template

以下是基于由UBC Sauder Boary的Fareed Teja创建的模板,并由Brian Powell在UBC Okanagan教学和学习中心进行修改。我们鼓励您在Canvas测验的说明中重用和调整它。

Please click the bar below to see and copy the text.


Note: Any content in [brackets] should be modified or verified by you before posting.

[课程代码] [考试名称]将在[开始时间]到[结束时间]的[日期,日期]进行。你将有[#]分钟来参加考试。您将远程考试,您的考试将通过名为Proctorio的服务在线。




  • Proctorio用于确保远程考试经验是公平的为了每一个。如果你诚实地与考试一起参与,你不需要担心录音,即使出乎意料的事情发生了。
  • Proctorio仅在您的Edge或Chrome浏览器中的考试时运行(当它处于活动状态时,您将在浏览器地址栏中看到屏蔽图标)。一旦您离开考试,就没有收集数据的单独程序,没有数据收集。完成后,您可以卸载Proctorio。
  • 我选择了在考试期间应记录的Proctorio。这将包括[您将在此记录的内容]。我也可以在考试期间限制您在计算机上允许的内容,这将包括[您将限制的内容]。
  • Proctorio录音存储在加拿大in accordance with Section 26(c) ofFippa.。在删除后,加密录音已保留两年。If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy of your data, you can contact Paul Hancock (UBC Legal Counsel, Information and Privacy)
  • No person is watching you during the recording和only [I and/or your teaching assistants] will review the recordings afterward. The Proctorio tool’s role is limited to: a) providing temporary data storage for your video in Canada and b) running its automated algorithms to flag any moments in your video for review.
  • An automated flag on your recording does not mean [I and/or your teaching assistants] will assume you cheated或者您将获得成绩扣除。人类对旗帜的解释至关重要;[我/我们]做出最终的呼叫。


Before you start the exam, please make sure you are signed out of your Microsoft account (if using Edge) or Google (if using Chrome). Once you start the exam, pleasedo not refresh your browser, use browser buttons, or navigate away from the exam screen until the exam has been submitted

如果要求您输入密码或访问代码(Proctorio不需要),请按照access code troubleshooting instructions在UBC的Proctorio学生指南中。

If you are still unable to access your exam, please contactProctorio support。To reach them, use the following contact points.

  • Inside an active exam: Click the shield icon in your web browser address bar, then click Live Chat.
  • Outside an exam: Connect via phone (1-866-948-9087) or email (。


Note that if you run out of time, your exam will automatically submit, so be aware of how much time remains. When you are done, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.

