Microsoft OneDrive Student Guide

Microsoft Onedrive是一个安全的文件托管服务这允许您从任何连接的设备存储,共享和同步文件和文件夹。它提供1TB的加密数据存储,文件版本控制以及脱机访问和编辑文件和文件夹的能力。在Microsoft Onedrive中,您可以从任何设备访问您的文件,与其他学生和您的教师共享,查看和恢复以前的版本。

Microsoft OneDrive isFIPPA符合标准及其数据在加拿大安全存储。


你可以use Microsoft OneDrive for secure file storage that comes with many convenient features:

  • 从任何位置创建,编辑和访问文件
  • 同步多个设备的文件
  • 在UBC中与其他人共享和协作
  • 访问Microsoft团队的文件

What do I need to use Microsoft OneDrive?

UBC Microsoft帐户

要在UBC访问Microsoft OneDrive和其他集成的Microsoft产品,您需要一个UBC Microsoft帐户。要获得UBC Microsoft帐户,您必须是一名活跃的注册UBC学生,并遵循本文档后面概述的选择加入过程。

Microsoft OneDrive应用程序或受支持的web浏览器

虽然Microsoft Onedrive有一个Web界面,但您可能会发现在计算机或移动设备上安装OneDrive应用程序更方便。应用程序将在常规目录中创建一个OneDrive文件夹,您可以在其中与您存储的文件进行交互,而无需登录您的Web浏览器。

如果您将使用web浏览器,则Microsoft OneDrive支持使用最新版本的Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer、Chrome、Firefox或Safari。


  • If you are using Windows XP or Linux, you will need to access OneDrive through the web interface,因为这些操作系统不能与OneDrive应用程序一起工作。

如何使用Microsoft Onedrive?

首先,您将需要确保您与UBC Microsoft帐户设置。它也是最容易下载Micosoft Onedrive应用程序来管理您将存放在其上的文件。或者,您可以登录Web界面并在那里管理文件。

单击下面的任何栏以查找使用Microsoft Onedrive的说明和提示。

设置UBC Microsoft帐户

要获得UBC Microsoft帐户,您需要成为Active和注册的UBC学生,并按照下面的选择进行操作。选择后,您无需再次遵循该过程。

  1. You will first create a new UBC email address that uses your UBC CWL (i.e.,, where “CWL” is replaced with your CWL). This will serve as your UBC Microsoft account.
  2. UBC CWL myAccount page
    • 如果您对与他人分享CWL的隐私问题,您可以通过点击匿名为您的CWL匿名重命名 the navigation and following the steps there.
  3. 点击激活学生电子邮件在导航中。
  4. 阅读条款和条件后,单击Accept
  5. 在您的帐户处于活动状态之前可能需要48小时。您的帐户处于活动状态后,您可以使用此新电子邮件地址和CWL密码访问Microsoft Onedrive(以及Microsoft团队)。

Install the Microsoft OneDrive application

Using Windows

  1. On Windows 10, OneDrive is already installed. For other versions of Windows, download the desktop application by going to theMicrosoft Onedrive下载页面然后点击下载
  2. 打开OneDrive installer下载,并按照步骤安装应用程序。
  3. Enter your email (where “CWL” is replaced with your CWL) when prompted for your work, school, or Microsoft account.
  4. 安装完成后,您将在目录中看到一个新的OneDrive文件夹。


  1. 如果您当前正在使用OneDrive Mac存储应用程序,则必须首先通过将应用程序拖动到垃圾桶来卸载它。
  2. 下载the desktop application by going to theMicrosoft Onedrive下载页面然后点击下载
  3. 打开OneDrive installer下载,并按照步骤安装应用程序。
  4. Enter your email (where “CWL” is replaced with your CWL) when prompted for your work, school, or Microsoft account.
  5. 安装完成后,您将在目录中看到一个新的OneDrive文件夹。


  • 您可以下载OneDrive Mobile应用程序from theiOS App Store谷歌播放商店
  • 您不必安装应用程序以使用OneDrive;但是,您可能会发现它比使用Web界面更方便,因为Web界面将定期要求您登录。

登录Microsoft OnedRive Web界面

  1. your web browser.
  2. Enter your email (where “CWL” is replaced with your CWL) when prompted for your work, school, or Microsoft account.
  3. 选择OneDrive从仪表板,界面将在新窗口中打开。


  • You don't need to use the web interface, if you've installed the OneDrive application;however, you can use the web interface along with the application, as they work in tandem with each other.

Add files to Microsoft OneDrive

你可以add, edit, and delete files through both the OneDrive folder (if you installed the application to set this up) and the web interface. Files in OneDrive will sync in one place no matter how you access them (e.g., a computer, a mobile device, the OneDrive web interface), so you can work on files from anywhere, without having to move them around.

Options for adding files

  • 如果安装了该应用程序,则可以将文件拖放到OneDrive文件夹中,将其添加到OneDrive。
    • Additionally, you can save new files you create to the OneDrive folder.
  • 登录到web界面后,可以使用New(创建一个新文件)或Upload(上载现有文件)选项。
  • 你可以also save new files you create to the "OneDrive - The University of British Columbia" destination.


  • 您可以在脱机时对OneDrive文件夹进行更改,一旦您再次在线,更新将自动同步。
  • OnedRive文件夹中的绿色复选标记图标表示您可以在离线工作的文件。OtherOnedrive状态图标意味着不同的东西

Share files on Microsoft OneDrive

One of the most useful aspects of OneDrive is the ability to share files with other people, so you can collaborate in one spot without having to exchange multiple versions of the same document and manually merge changes from different contributors.


  1. Launch share settings for a file:
    • 如果您安装了应用程序,则可以通过在OneDrive文件夹中右键单击它们并选择它们来管理各个文件的共享Share
    • Alternatively, after logging in to the web interface, select individual files and clickShareat the top.
  2. Once you've launched the share settings, you can choose who should see and/or edit the file. To find people at UBC, use their first name, last name, or email address.
  3. 点击Send指定的人通过电子邮件接收邀请,或单击复制链接自己发送链接。


  • 你可以follow the same process outlined here to update existing share settings,但是,如果您登录Web界面并单击文件,则会找到更简化的方式来修改共享设置。
  • 您还可以使用OneDrive共享整个文件夹with other people. Files placed in these shared folders will automatically be shared with the people who can access the folder. This method is convenient if you have a number of documents to share with the same group.
  • 在移动应用程序中,按住文件,为了看到分享选项。

Access a file shared with you in Microsoft OneDrive

You will receive a notification from OneDrive or from the person sharing with you when a new file is available.

  1. 点击打开或the链接,您将被引导到浏览器中的一个新选项卡。
  2. If prompted, log in to OneDrive with your UBC credentials.
  3. Confirm your email address to open the file.


  • 使用Web界面,您可以通过单击共享访问与您共享的内容在导航中。事实上,你可以在“与我共享”之间的“与我共享”之间切换。

Collaborate with classmates in Microsoft OneDrive

If you’ll be working with classmates on group assignments or other coursework, you can use Microsoft OneDrive to track your collaboration in several ways.

  • 当您在共享文档上工作时,如果其他人同时在其工作时,您将能够将它们视为文档顶部的图标。
    • 点击这一点图标将为您提供跳转到他们在文件中工作的地方的选项。
  • 每个共享文件都有一个称为版本历史的东西。此历史记录跟踪每个人所做的更改,并随着时间的推移保存不同的版本,因此您可以查看是谁进行了哪些编辑并还原或保存旧版本。
    • 通过点击时查看您在IT中的任何共享文档的历史记录文档名称at the top, and selecting版本历史记录。您可以看到并恢复以前的编辑到文档。


  • 如果您在web界面中,您可以在任何文件上看到最近活动的摘要右键单击文件并从选项中选择“详细信息”。此操作将打开一个按时间顺序排列的活动历史记录面板。

Microsoft Onedrive常见问题


是的。You’ll need one UBC Microsoft account to access all Microsoft products, but you can use them independent of each other.

是的。Microsoft OnedRive符合UBC策略和BC安全要求。Microsoft Onedrive中的所有数据都是加密的,安全地存储,并在加拿大托管。你可以阅读更多关于Onedrive隐私和安全性的信息从UBC它。

不可以。您可以安装桌面或移动应用程序以使用Microsoft OneDrive,但也可以通过登录从浏览器访问它 selecting OneDrive. However, you may find it more convenient to use the app than the web interface, which will regularly require you to log in.

If you install the Microsoft OneDrive app, you will see a new OneDrive folder in your directory for managing your files. You can also use the web interface along with the application, as they work in tandem with each other.

Where can I get more support with Microsoft OneDrive?

Technical support

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